Ozel Candan Ortaogretim Kiz Ogrenci Yurdu

Fevzi Cakmak Mah. 8151 Sok. No: 3 / Torbali/İzmir

    Ozel Candan Ortaogretim Kiz Ogrenci Yurdu is in Fevzi Cakmak, Torbali, İzmir. .

    There are also 3 Secondary School in Fevzi Cakmak, the same neighborhood of Ozel Candan Ortaogretim Kiz Ogrenci Yurdu, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 21 Secondary School in Torbali , the same area of Ozel Candan Ortaogretim Kiz Ogrenci Yurdu, you can see them by clicking here.

    There are also 558 Secondary School in İzmir , the same city of Ozel Candan Ortaogretim Kiz Ogrenci Yurdu, you can see them by clicking here.